Difference between teen and adult acne

Difference between teen and adult acne Difference between teen and adult acne

It is a common thought that acne is a teen problem that you will grow out of by time you hit your early twenties, but for some this isn’t the case with acne becoming a longer term battle, so what is the difference between acne and adult acne? We broken it down for you here.


What is it?

Chronic stress and the varied hormonal changes of adulthood can be a factor in your adrenal glands going into overdrive, boosting your sebum production and setting the stage for acne in your adulthood. Adult acne tends to be more inflammatory, with lesions typically located around the mouth, chin and jawline.

How do you treat it?

  • Adult acne can be difficult to treat, as often adults can also face face skin dryness, sensitivity and signs of ageing - you are best to focus on spot treatments and balancing the skin, as well as ensuring you are meeting your other skin care needs

  • Avoid ‘picking’ and ‘squeezing’ your skin, which often just results in further breakouts but can also create further redness or even scarring.

  • Avoid over drying your skin by choosing products like Your Deep Cleanse to spot treat which uses a combination of AHA’s and BHA’s to gently remove dead skin cells and de-congest pores to reveal softer, fresher, brighter skin.

  • If you are trying to combat the signs of skin ageing, a peptide night serum such as Boost Your Youth can also work well to help prevent acne breakouts.


What is it?

Teen acne typically breaks out on the face, chest and back. Such breakouts are due to an upsurge of androgens occurring at puberty. These androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce sebum (oil).

How do you treat it?

  • Focus on learning and maintaining good lifestyle + skin care habits

  • Avoid products that contain harsh comedogenic (pore-clogging) ingredients

  • Look for products that include AHA’s & BHA’s to keep dead skin cells and bacteria from accumulating

  • We recommend the use of our cleanser, Your Deep Cleanse which uses a combination of AHA’s and BHA’s to gently remove dead skin cells and de-congest pores to reveal softer, fresher, brighter skin.

  • Moisturise daily - even if you skin seems oily, this will help to balance your sebum production (use an oil-free moisturiser like our citrus based moisturiser Hydrate Your Skin)

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